

R&D Strength

R&D Team

Led by doctoral supervisors, PhDs, senior engineers, several technical staff, multiple institutes. Co-Op with universities,  study principles of CB based on  thermodynamics and kinetics, modify CB structure and control trace elements.

R&D Projects

Granulation Improvement
High BET Product
Well Dispersion Product
Battery Test
Pouch Cell Test
Polymer Application Lab

Technical Routes

Acetylene Black (AB) is produced through a high-heat-density thermal flame which is ten times of that of other conductive carbon blacks, offering unmatched advantages in crystallization, structure, and purity.

High Structure
Higher electron& Ion conductivity Less adding amount

●  Crystallinity

●  BET ≥100 m2/g

●  DBP ≥ 400 ml/100g

●  Mesoporous

●  Low chemical activity

High Purity
Good cycling performance, especially in high voltage system

●  Metal <2ppm

●  Magnetic Sub.<100ppb

●  P/S<1ppm

●  Proper Functional Group

●  Ash/Water<0.01%

Easy to Process
Balance between high structure and dispersibility

●  Low agglomeration AB

●  Deagglomerated AB

Composite Product
Optimized electron& ion conductivity

●  Carbon Nanotubes

●  Graphene

●  Composite conductive slurry

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